Teeny Tiny Peckers

Where teenie weenies come to get laughed at

“Painted1” part 3!

What can I say about this little thing? About the size of a chapstick tube…. I couldn’t imagine someone coming at me with something so tiny and not laughing. Not being like get the fuck away from me with your what, three inches? Laughable, I dunno if he’s ever gonna get laid. Lets hope not. And I hope he wears these pink satin panties all the time. You know in case anyone ever tries to take him home for a pity fuck.

Adam and Eve all rolled into one!

Imagine being told “Show me yours and I’ll show you mine” and when you whip out your…. thing… she falls over laughing and says there’s no way you get to see what I’ve got! Poor little Adam here had just that happen. Well now he knows his place is on his knees as Eve. Praying to a much bigger cock, with his lips haha

Eve’s little clit compared to the cock she worships now. See the difference? One anyone would worship and that teensy little nub… ew.

Where it belongs, all caged.

lol some girls put those little circular band aids on their nips to hide them. I wonder if you would be able to hide this little clitty with one of those.

Eve loving the big cock in her little mouth! Just where someone with that teensy clitty dick needs to be! Enjoy Eve!


So I get this fabulous submission today. Its…. terrible.

I feel like this thing is just about an innie, and that it should be used like a clit! I mean lets be honest, there isn’t anything there to stroke.

Look how teensy this thing is! Its a teeny clown face!

Its even like pencil thin! What the hell! lmfao thats adding insult to injury here!

A teensy little clown face.

Just a heads up to everyone with the teensy little pinky peckers, shaving sometimes doesn’t help. lmfao everyone point and laugh like I did

“Painted1” part two.

What can I say? This thing is just laughable. Who wouldn’t just look at it wiggle their little pinky? This thing isn’t even worth a pity fuck. You’d have to be a whole ass virgin to feel it lmfao. 🤏 Isn’t even small enough! This thing belongs in the panties he’s wearing forever!

So on a side note, that last one made me gag…. ew

Mark Lynch

A customer of the wonderful Mistress Gianna this one is quite amusing. His name is Mark Lynch from Long Island, NY and he needs the whole world to know that he’s a submissive. Judging from how small he is we can guess what he likes lol




Take a look at this ridiculous thing! I can’t imagine this thing being in anything other than panties. Like could you imagine being in the mood and this thing coming at you. I’d just die laughing! Its so pathetic! So lets all tell him to keep this little thing locked away in panties forever! (Also, I think that heel is bigger than that clit dick lmfao how pathetic!)


Oof! How do I even start this post? It’s freakin tiny. So so small. I love getting to do this, love showing you teensie bitches how small you are! I love making fun of your thumb dicks. I feel like if this guy pulled this out in front of me, I would just fall over laughing. Lets be honest, that would probably make him lose a load too. But like, where’s the rest of it?! There’s gotta be more right lmfao 😂 Would you be able to hold back your laughter? Look at it, and I mean REALLY look at it. Would you wanna get fucked by a thumb?! No, the answer is NO! Lets hope he’s not married and is still a virgin.

Can’t tell if those are tighty whiteys or if they are panties…. Either way I guess if the panties fit…..

It just looks off…. Like if he had pubes (guys like this need to remember that guys who shave their pubes to “make it look bigger” it really doesn’t work in your favor!) it would be just a little nub sticking out of a bush!

in this position it doesn’t SEEM too bad BUT see the profile pic above. Its a thumb. Ladies; we deserve more than a thumb.

*gag* I wanna flick it. Is it wrong that I wanna flick it? Yuck. 🤏

lol Kevin

This is so so funny! I think that I haven’t laughed THIS hard at a pinkypecker in…. well ever! So he is 52 years old. Okay? 52 years old! And has had sex twice. Ever. lmfao TWICE! And both times? He was laughed at. Was it the size of the teeny little clit dick? Probably, BUT lets be honest he could have lasted mere seconds! I wonder if those poor women who probably either pity fucked him or got paid to do so had absolutely no pleasure in this itsy thing. Well, if they were working girls maybe they couldn’t even feel him.

I cannot wait to show this post to all my girlfriends!

This just in! A SELFIE so you know what the little thing is attached to!

Um what even is this?!

Could you imagine making out with a guy and it getting all hot and heavy, thinking that you are about to get pounded and he pulls out THIS teeny tiny pinky thing. Would you laugh him out of your bedroom? Because I sure in the hell would. I can’t even imagine something this teeny coming at me without me literally crying laughing 🤣 This thing is not even a pinky pecker, its an oversized clitty.

MicroPeePee no… literally….

Have you ever looked at a dick and wonder wtf happened? Wonder if there’s more of it? Thought huh that isn’t really a dick at all, just an oversized clitty. I think this thing is an absolute insult to a micro pee pee. I hope this little and I do mean LITTLE bitch wears nothing but panties and gets laughed at when he uses the rest room wherever he goes. I bet there are women out there that would be like oh I wouldn’t mind something that small. Bitch please. This “guy” was born to be a cuckold. Period.

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